Design of signal and information systems is traditionally performed by generating independently a hardware circuitry and a software stack using long-term supported languages such as VHDL and C. Decades of research efforts on compilers have automated transformations from high-level state-machine-based representations to many different forms of middleware and hardware. However, system integration and validation remain difficult operations, inflating design and verification costs and fostering technological conservatism.
Since the early 2000s, initiatives are flourishing that automate design steps using model-based engineering, actor-oriented design, design space exploration, etc. These initiatives share a common concern of focusing on model semantics rather than on language syntaxes.
To further develop model-based system design, the COWOMO workshop aims at gathering researchers with interest on the following topics, among others:
- Models of Computation for signal and information processing systems
- Models of Architecture for signal and information processing systems
- Model-based methodologies for the design of signal and information processing systems
- Combination of physical and computational models for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and IoT design
- Model-based system design tools, frameworks and methods for distributed and heterogeneous systems
- Application of model-based design methods and tools to signal and information use case systems such as
video processing, telecommunication, computer vision, virtual reality, deep learning, etc. - Model-based multi- and many-core system programming
- Model-based VLSI, GPU and FPGA system design
- Model-based heterogeneous computing with hardware and software co-design
- Models for the test and verification of systems
- Models for system Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) assessment
- Design Space Exploration of signal and information processing systems
As a Collaborative Workshop, COWOMO has the following properties, defined for the workshop WASC:
- COWOMO is an annual event,
- Submissions are non-reviewed abstracts, no proceedings are edited,
- COWOMO is a 2-day workshop, registration is free and limited to 50 people,
- Talks are not limited in length; a talk ends when no more question is asked,
- Presentations can include tutorials on tools,
- One can present on-going work before results are obtained, as well as negative results,
- Coffee breaks are as important as talks, they are long and attendees can set up demos and posters,
- The first objective of COWOMO is idea sharing, consortia building, collaboration and networking.
- COWOMO is linked to a journal special issue and participants are invited to submit to the special issue,
COWOMO 2018 is linked to a special issue with same topics in the Springer Journal of Signal Processing Systems.